Bitpool Edge Integriti

A Node-RED node to communicate with Integriti Security API

Getting Started

This is a standard Node.js module developed specifically to function within the Node-RED ecosystem.

How to Use

Use the following procedure to install this module to your Node-RED instance, or download the pre-themed Bitpool-Edge Docker image that contains all our favourite nodes pre-installed.

Bitpool-Edge Install

  1. Log into your Bitpool-Edge instance and click the Hamburger icon, in the top-right corner.

  2. Select Manage Palette from the drop down menu then click the Pallete->Install tabs to install.

  3. Using the search bar type @bitpoolos/edge-integriti and install the module once displayed.

  4. Finally, use the left most navigation menu to scroll down to the heading Bitpool Integriti to reveal available nodes.

Integriti Nodes

The Integriti library contains a single node / functional block.

  1. Integriti Device - Allows for the connection to a device in the Integriti API and returns the latest available data for the connected system.

Basic Workflow

The image above is an example of a linked Integriti Device node on a Flow tab. This is the basic flow of data.

  1. The ‘Trigger’ node injects a simple timestamp into the Integriti Device node.

  2. The Integriti Device node contains an API configuration along with a device selection which is used to retireve the latest data for the system.

  3. Finally, the Output node prints the payload to the mqtt broker for the user to see.

Basic Workflow Node Properties

  • Server - this is the server end-point used to initiate an API connection.

    • Port - relevant port for the server connection.

  • Selection Window - A selection tree view of the assocaiated controllers in the Integriti System.

    • Doors - Allows selection of required Doors to be polled for current state.

    • Inputs - Allows selection of required Inputs to be polled for current state.

    • Controllers - Allows selection of required Controllers to be polled for current state.

Further Information

Now that your Bitpool-Edge is up and running, we have included simple example flows to demonstrate how to create a basic solution.

  1. Log into your Bitpool-Edge instance and click the Hamburger icon, in the top-right corner.

  2. Select Manage Palette from the drop down menu then click the Import->Examples tabs to see this node.

  3. Navigate the ‘Examples flows’ tree and select @bitpoolos/edge-integriti to reveal the preconfigured examples.

  4. Click the example you would like to test then click the Import button.

  5. Place the example nodes on a flow and review the configuration of each node. You will need to make suitable changes for your system.

  6. Finally, click the Save to test.

Last updated