How to License a Niagara Module

A process to obtain a Bitpool license for a Niagara driver, widget or service


Most Bitpool software for the Niagara platform will require a suitable license to operate correctly. By default, software modules can be downloaded and installed without restriction - however there is a time limit preventing long term use.

How to License

Use the following process to license a Niagara driver, widget or service.

  1. Once the module is installed, located the license fields (either at the driver or network levels) then copy the Product Key (e.g. WIN-E123-xxx-xxx-xxx:MQTT).

  2. Using your favourite email client, or by clicking the link (, paste in the Product Key along with your details (can use the template below), then send.

  3. Please wait for an email response containing a unique License Key for your module and installation.

  4. Finally, copy your provided License Key into the appropriate field of your module.

  5. This will activate this product - Congratulations!

Request License Template

Please copy and paste this template request if you prefer.

Hi Bitpool Team,

Could you please provide a license for the following product.

Product Name: Niagara MQTT Driver
Product Key: WIN-E123-456-789-012:MQTT
Platform:  Niagara N4.x

Company Name: ACME Ltd


Last updated