How To Install or Update Bitpool SSL Certificates in Niagara
Process for installing or updating Bitpool SSL certificates in Niagara (N4)
Use the following process to install or update a Bitpool SSL certificate on a Niagara station.
A valid Bitpool SSL certificate is only available on request. Please reach out to the Bitpool Team for the most recent version.
Update Process
on the target machine, transfer the latest pem file to a location available to the station.
open Workbench and connect to station using credentials
navigate to Config->Services->PlatformService->CertManagerService.
open the User Key Store tab, then click the Import button.
using the dialog box, locate and select the pem file.
view and accept the new SSL certificate.
navigate to Config->Services->WebService.
open the Property Sheet tab and select the Main Https Cert drop down field.
select the pem file installed above, then click the Save button.
open the the browser and enter target URL for the station.
from the address back inspect the SSL certificate and validate the End Date to confirm.
Last updated
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